Signs Of Sight Loss

Your eyesight is one of your most vital senses and having vision problems such as blurry vision can be a scary thing. An eyesight reduction can leave you worried and wondering what to do. When you are having symptoms of vision loss, one of the most important steps is going to an optometrist for professional care and assistance. An eye doctor will be able to examine your eyes and tell you what the causes of your vision problems are and the best steps to treat them. At Sites Vision Clinic, we can provide optometrists for Clarksville, TN, and nearby communities. If you're having vision problems, the following signs indicate you should visit an “optometrist near me.” 

Eye pain sign of sight loss

Four Signs of Vision and Sight Loss

Here are some signs of vision loss:

1.            Distorted Eyesight: One of the key signs of vision loss is a reduction in the sharpness and clarity of your eyesight. This reduction in sharp vision and increased blurry vision might impact the middle of your visual field and things that are directly in front of you.

2.            Eye Pain: Pain in the eyes indicates a physical cause, such as ones that impact the optic nerve. If you are experiencing physical pain in your eyes, it might be important to visit an eye doctor as many of these conditions are progressive in nature and proper care can reduce the speed and impact of the condition.

3.            Poor Night Vision: A reduction in your ability to see in low light conditions or at night is a broad symptom of vision loss. It is often accompanied by halos when you look directly at light sources. This symptom is often associated with cataracts but can have other causes.

4.            A Narrow Field of Vision: If you seem to be losing your peripheral vision, you may be experiencing an early symptom of glaucoma. This symptom tends to worsen over time, causing tunnel vision and reducing your range of eyesight.

Get Blurry Vision Treatment from an Eye Doctor on Our Optometrist Team

At Sites Vision Clinic in Clarksville, TN, we strive to provide all our patients with the best eye treatment and support available. Loss of vision is something you should never ignore as there are many underlying causes and many of these are treatable with the assistance of an eye doctor. If you find your vision getting worse, reach out to us today to schedule your appointment. Knowing what's wrong and the best steps to take in treatment can help preserve your eyesight. Call us at (931) 647-5237 to get eye care from an “optometrist near me.”



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