Eyeglasses FAQs

If you are experiencing blurry vision at one or more distances, your optometrist near you will likely prescribe eyeglasses to help you see clearly and comfortably again. You may wonder what wearing glasses will entail and how to select the best pair for your visual needs. Sites Vision Clinic in Clarksville, TN, is here to answer frequently asked questions about eyeglasses to help you achieve visual clarity and comfort when choosing your lenses.

Eyeglasses FAQs

What Type of Eyeglasses Are Right for Me?

The best eyeglasses for you will depend on your visual needs and lifestyle. The first step involves an eye exam from our optometrists. We will determine the cause of your blurry vision and prescribe lenses to correct it. People with multiple vision errors often require bifocal or progressive lenses for visual clarity at different distances. Our optometrists will also recommend frames and lenses tailored to your face shape, style, and whether you participate in sports or other athletic activities.

How Often Do I Need to Wear Eyeglasses?

How often you need to wear your eyeglasses depends on the reason for wearing them. People with presbyopia may only need to wear eyeglasses whenever they read or must see an object close to them. Blue light-blocking lenses are only necessary when you use a computer or other digital device. That said, most people should wear their eyeglasses throughout the day to avoid blurry vision. However, contact lenses are an option for those who do not want to wear glasses all day.

How Many Pairs of Eyeglasses Do I Need?

We often tell our patients to get at least two pairs of eyeglasses. Doing this ensures they always have a backup available should anything happen to their regular pair. People with active lifestyles or children who need glasses benefit from having multiple pairs. You can also request specially designed eyeglasses for specific hobbies. These lenses may be more durable or comfortable to wear than standard eyeglasses for activities like sports or work.

Do I Need to Change My Eyeglasses?

Yes, you will need to update your eyeglasses. Although eyeglasses last much longer than contact lenses, you will require updated prescriptions at some point. Our eyes change and develop as we age, meaning your original pair of eyeglasses may not work as well a couple of years from now. If you are experiencing blurry vision while wearing eyeglasses, it may be time for new lenses.

Visit Your Optometrist Near You at Sites Vision Clinic for Eyeglasses Today

If you require eyeglasses to correct your vision, consider contacting Sites Vision Clinic in Clarksville, TN. Our optometry team will evaluate your eyes and prescribe the perfect lenses for your visual needs and lifestyle. Call us and schedule an eye exam at (931) 647-5237 to get your eyeglasses today.


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